online puja - Naimisharanya Tourism Hindu temple darshan and online pooja Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:50:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 online puja - Naimisharanya Tourism 32 32 220101722 Maha Rudra Abhishek Pooja Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:50:27 +0000 "Experience divine bliss with Maha Rudra Havan, invoking Lord Shiva's blessings. Purify, energize, and elevate your spiritual journey. Perform the sacred ritual now."

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Title: Experience Divine Serenity: Maha Rudra Abhishek Pooja in Naimisharanya – A Spiritual Sojourn


Embark on a soul-stirring journey to Naimisharanya, where the sacred echoes of Maha Rudra Abhishek Pooja resound. Immerse yourself in the divine vibrations of Lord Shiva‘s blessings amidst the serene landscapes of Naimisharanya, a sanctuary for spiritual seekers.

Exploring Rudra Abhishek Pooja in Naimisharanya:

Naimisharanya, cradled in the heart of Uttar Pradesh, beckons devotees to partake in the celestial ritual of Maha Rudra Abhishek Pooja. This spiritually enriching experience is a blend of ancient rituals and the tranquility of Naimisharanya’s sacred surroundings.

Key Highlights:

  1. Sacred Temples: Delve into the spiritual tapestry of Naimisharanya by visiting its revered temples, enhancing your divine experience.
  2. Expert Purohits: Engage with seasoned priests who conduct the Rudra Abhishek Pooja with authenticity, ensuring a spiritually uplifting ceremony.
  3. Cultural Odyssey: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Naimisharanya, where tradition and spirituality seamlessly intertwine.

Book Your Maha Rudra Abhishek Pooja Tourism Package:

Embark on a transformative journey with our curated Rudra Abhishek Pooja tourism packages. Tailored to fulfill your spiritual aspirations, these packages include guided rituals, local exploration, and comfortable accommodations.

Why Choose Naimisharanya for Rudra Abhishek Pooja?

  1. Spiritual Resonance: Naimisharanya’s serene ambiance amplifies the spiritual impact of the Rudra Abhishek Pooja, creating a profound connection with the divine.
  2. Historical Narratives: Immerse yourself in the historical tales and mythological narratives that make Naimisharanya an exceptional destination for spiritual seekers.


Embark on a Rudra Abhishek Pooja in Naimisharanya, not merely a pilgrimage but a transformative spiritual sojourn. Absorb the divine energies, explore the spiritual legacy, and allow Naimisharanya to unfold its mystical charm as you engage in this sacred tourism experience. Book your Rudra Abhishek Pooja package now for an unforgettable encounter with spirituality in the heart of ancient India.


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NAVAGRAHA SHANTHI HOMAM/HAVAN Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:25:44 +0000 Homam/Havan For Early Marriage & Removing Wedding Obstacles

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Navagraha Shanti Homam/Havan is a sacred Vedic ritual performed to seek the blessings and appease the nine celestial bodies, known as Navagrahas, in Hindu astrology. The Navagrahas include the Sun (Surya), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangal), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (north lunar node), and Ketu (south lunar node). Each planet represents different aspects of life and has the potential to influence our lives positively or negatively.

The purpose of Navagraha Shanti Homam/Havan is to mitigate the negative influences and strengthen the positive energies associated with each planet. By performing this ritual, individuals seek harmony, balance, and overall well-being in their lives.

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SRI LAKSHMI KUBERA HOMAM/HAVAN Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:16:56 +0000 Homam/Havan For Wealth & Prosperity

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Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam/Havan is a sacred Vedic ritual performed to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Lord Kubera, the deity associated with wealth and material abundance. This homam is conducted to invite wealth, prosperity, and abundance into one’s life and to seek the blessings of these divine beings for financial stability and success.

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SURYA BHAGAVAN HOMAM/HAVAN Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:16:12 +0000 Homam/Havan For Jobs, Promotion & Better Career Prospects

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Surya Bhagavan Homam/Havan is a sacred Vedic ritual performed to seek the blessings and invoke the divine energy of Lord Surya, the Sun god, who is considered the source of light, vitality, and cosmic energy. This homam is conducted to honor Lord Surya, gain his blessings, and seek his guidance for health, prosperity, success, and overall well-being.

Performing Surya Bhagavan Homam/Havan is believed to bring several benefits to the devotees who perform it with devotion and sincerity. Here are some potential benefits associated with this sacred ritual:

  1. Health and Vitality: Lord Surya is considered the source of life and vitality. Performing the Surya Bhagavan Homam/Havan is believed to invoke his blessings for good health, physical strength, and overall well-being. It is believed to help in the healing of diseases and ailments.
  2. Success and Achievement: Lord Surya is associated with success, leadership, and accomplishment. By performing the homam, individuals seek his blessings for success in their endeavors, career, education, and other aspects of life. It is believed to enhance confidence, clarity, and decision-making abilities.
  3. Inner Strength and Willpower: Lord Surya is known for his courage and determination. The homam is believed to invoke his energy to strengthen one’s willpower, resolve, and perseverance. It can help individuals overcome obstacles, face challenges, and develop a positive attitude towards life.
  4. Clarity and Mental Sharpness: Lord Surya is associated with clarity of thought, intellect, and mental sharpness. Performing the homam is believed to enhance concentration, memory, and the ability to make sound judgments. It can help in academic pursuits and professional growth.
  5. Spiritual Growth: The Surya Bhagavan Homam/Havan offers an opportunity for spiritual growth and connection with the divine. It can deepen one’s spiritual practice, promote inner peace, and enhance the understanding of one’s true self.
  6. Removal of Negative Energies: Lord Surya is believed to dispel darkness and negative energies. The homam is performed to seek his blessings for protection against negative influences, black magic, and malevolent forces. It can promote a sense of positivity and harmony in one’s surroundings.

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LAKSHMI NARAYANA HOMAM/HAVAN Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:13:55 +0000 Homam/Havan For Wealth & Prosperity

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Lakshmi Narayana Homam/Havan is a sacred Vedic ritual performed to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, and Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. This homam is conducted to invoke the divine energies of Lakshmi and Narayana, the divine couple, and seek their blessings for overall well-being, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Lakshmi Narayana Homam/Havan is believed to bring numerous benefits to the devotees who perform it with devotion and sincerity. Here are some of the potential benefits associated with this sacred ritual:

  1. Blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi: The primary benefit of performing Lakshmi Narayana Homam/Havan is to seek the blessings and grace of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that their combined blessings can bring abundance, prosperity, and spiritual well-being into the lives of the devotees.
  2. Wealth and Prosperity: Goddess Lakshmi is the deity of wealth and prosperity. By performing this homam, individuals seek her blessings for financial stability, abundance, and material success in their lives. It is believed that it can attract wealth, prosperity, and opportunities for growth.
  3. Overall Well-being: Lord Vishnu is considered the preserver and protector of the universe. By performing the homam, devotees seek his divine blessings for general well-being, health, and protection from negative energies or obstacles in life.
  4. Harmonious Relationships: Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi are also associated with marital harmony and bliss. Performing the homam can invoke their blessings for a harmonious relationship between spouses and within the family.
  5. Spiritual Growth: The homam is performed with devotion and adherence to Vedic rituals, which can contribute to the spiritual growth of the individual. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, inner purification, and strengthening of the connection with the divine.
  6. Removal of Obstacles: Lord Vishnu is believed to be the remover of obstacles and the preserver of righteousness. By performing the Lakshmi Narayana Homam/Havan, devotees seek his blessings to overcome challenges, obstacles, and negativities in life.

It’s important to note that the benefits can vary from person to person, and the spiritual significance of the homam goes beyond immediate material gains. The true essence lies in the devotion, sincerity, and faith with which the ritual is performed.

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SARASWATHI DEVI HOMAM/HAVAN Wed, 20 Jun 2018 07:04:07 +0000 Homam/Havan For Knowlede & Education

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Saraswathi Devi Homam/Havan is a sacred Vedic ritual performed to seek the blessings and invoke the divine energy of Goddess Saraswathi, the Hindu goddess of knowledge, wisdom, arts, and learning. This homam is conducted to honor Goddess Saraswathi and seek her blessings for education, intelligence, creativity, and overall intellectual growth.

Here is a general description of the Saraswathi Devi Homam/Havan:

  1. Preparation: The necessary items for the homam, including ghee (clarified butter), sacred herbs, grains, flowers, fruits, and other offerings, are collected. The priest or the person performing the homam prepares the sacred fire pit or havan kund.
  2. Invocation: The ceremony begins with the chanting of Vedic mantras and the invocation of Goddess Saraswathi for her presence and blessings. The priest or the performer may also invoke other deities associated with knowledge and arts.
  3. Kalasha Sthapana: A kalasha, a copper or silver pot filled with water and adorned with leaves and flowers, is established as a representation of the divine presence of Goddess Saraswathi.
  4. Ganapati Puja: Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is worshipped at the beginning of the homam to ensure the smooth conduct of the ritual and to seek his blessings for success in the pursuit of knowledge.
  5. Saraswathi Puja: Goddess Saraswathi is worshipped with specific mantras, offerings of flowers, fruits, and the recitation of her names and attributes. The priest or the performer may offer symbolic items representing knowledge, such as books, pens, or musical instruments.
  6. Homam/Havan: The main part of the ritual involves the offering of ghee mixed with sacred herbs into the fire while reciting specific mantras associated with Goddess Saraswathi. These mantras are believed to invoke her blessings for intellect, wisdom, creativity, and overall academic or artistic pursuits.
  7. Saraswathi Aarti: The ceremony concludes with the waving of aarti (lighted camphor) in front of the deity, accompanied by the chanting of Saraswathi Aarti hymns. This is done to express gratitude and seek the final blessings of Goddess Saraswathi.

Performing the Saraswathi Devi Homam/Havan with devotion and sincerity is believed to enhance one’s intellectual abilities, promote academic success, and foster creative expression. It is also seen as a way to gain the blessings of the goddess for learning, writing, music, art, and any other areas related to knowledge and wisdom.

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Live Aarti Darshan Maa Lalit Devi Tue, 19 Jun 2018 13:46:05 +0000 Lalitha Devi is worshipped to ward off premature death, black magic, negative and evil forces along with consequences of the unfavourable posited planets in one's horoscope. She enhances cognitive powers and blesses with a happy, strong and courageous personality.

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Live Arti Darshan at the Lalita Devi Temple in Naimisharanya Dham is an enchanting and spiritually uplifting experience that transports devotees into the realm of divine grace and devotion. Naimisharanya Dham is a sacred pilgrimage site in India renowned for its association with ancient Hindu scriptures and revered saints.

The Lalita Devi Temple stands as a magnificent testament to the goddess’s divine presence. It is a place of deep reverence and spiritual significance, adorned with intricate carvings, vibrant colors, and ornate decorations. The temple’s architecture reflects the rich cultural heritage of India, evoking a sense of awe and reverence.

During the Live Arti Darshan, devotees gather in the temple’s sanctum to witness the sacred ritual and receive the blessings of Lalita Devi. The atmosphere is charged with devotion and anticipation as the air resonates with the sounds of devotional chants, hymns, and the rhythmic beats of traditional musical instruments.

The arti begins as skilled priests perform intricate rituals with utmost precision and devotion. They wave brilliantly lit oil lamps, incense sticks, and camphor flames before the divine idol of Lalita Devi, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and fragrance. The temple reverberates with the melodious chants and the sweet aroma of incense, enveloping devotees in a spiritual ambiance.

As the arti progresses, devotees offer their prayers, bowing their heads and folding their hands in reverence. They offer flowers, fruits, and other symbolic items to Lalita Devi, expressing their love, gratitude, and surrender to the goddess. The sight of the radiant idol, bedecked with exquisite ornaments and vibrant garments, fills their hearts with devotion and inspires a deep sense of connection with the divine.

During the Live Arti Darshan, devotees have a unique opportunity to witness the divine grace and blessings of Lalita Devi up close. The palpable spiritual energy in the temple stirs their souls and awakens a profound sense of peace, joy, and inner transformation.

The darshan not only nourishes the individual’s spiritual journey but also fosters a sense of unity and communal devotion. Devotees from all walks of life come together, transcending barriers of caste, creed, and nationality, to experience the divine presence of Lalita Devi and seek solace in her compassionate embrace.

Attending the Live Arti Darshan at the Lalita Devi Temple in Naimisharanya Dham is an extraordinary opportunity to immerse oneself in the divine vibrations and receive the blessings of the goddess. It is a soul-stirring experience that deepens one’s spiritual connection, rekindles devotion, and ignites the flame of divine love within the hearts of the devotees.



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Live Aarti Darshan Gomti Rajghat Tue, 19 Jun 2018 13:45:22 +0000 Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolore ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci velit, sed quia non incidunt lores ta porro ame. numquam eius modi tempora incidunt lores ta porro ame.

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Witness the captivating spectacle of live Aarti Darshan at Gomti Rajghat!

Step into the realm of divine devotion as you experience the mesmerizing Aarti ceremony at the sacred Gomti Rajghat in Naimisharanya. Prepare to be enchanted by the harmonious chants, the rhythmic beats of drums, and the shimmering lights that adorn the riverfront.

As the sun sets and the evening unfolds, immerse yourself in the sacred atmosphere, surrounded by devotees and the aroma of incense. Witness the skilled priests performing the Aarti ritual, offering prayers to the river Gomti with utmost reverence and devotion.

Be captivated by the spiritual energy that fills the air, as the melodic hymns and prayers resonate with your soul. Feel the divine presence as you witness the lamps being lit, creating a magnificent spectacle of flickering flames dancing on the gentle waves of the river.

Experience a profound connection with the divine as you participate in this ancient ritual, seeking blessings and finding solace in the tranquil ambiance. Allow the Aarti Darshan at Gomti Rajghat to rejuvenate your spirit and leave you with a sense of inner peace.

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to witness the live Aarti Darshan at Gomti Rajghat. Join us and embark on a spiritual journey that will touch your heart and soul.

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Live Aarti Darshan Chakr-Tirth Tue, 19 Jun 2018 13:44:08 +0000 The benefits of Chakr-Tirth Aarti: Deepening spiritual experiences, invoking divine energies, and experiencing profound inner transformation.

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Located in the serene lands of Naimisharanya, Chakr Tirth holds a special place in the hearts of devotees seeking spiritual solace. As you enter this hallowed place, prepare to be captivated by the ethereal atmosphere and the resonating chants of the Aarti ceremony.

Experience the grandeur of live Aarti Darshan, where skilled priests perform the ritual with utmost devotion and precision. The air is filled with the fragrance of incense, and the sound of conch shells reverberates, signaling the commencement of this sacred event.

As the lamps are ignited, casting a soft glow on the surroundings, the atmosphere becomes infused with a divine energy. The melodic hymns, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of traditional instruments, create an enchanting ambiance that transports you to a realm of spirituality.

Witness the celestial dance of the flickering flames, symbolizing the presence of the divine. Feel the warmth and blessings as you participate in the Aarti, offering your prayers and gratitude.

Allow the transformative power of this live Aarti Darshan to touch your heart and elevate your spiritual journey. Experience the unity of devotees coming together, their voices harmonizing in devotion, and a sense of peace enveloping your being.

Join us at Chakr Tirth for an extraordinary opportunity to participate in the live Aarti Darshan. Let this divine experience leave an indelible mark on your soul and fill your life with blessings and spiritual fulfillment.

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Live Aarti Darshan Hanuman Garhi Tue, 19 Jun 2018 13:42:19 +0000 हनुमान जी की पूजा करने से सभी कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं। साथ ही शनि की साढ़ेसाती और ढैय्या चल रहे जातकों को हनुमानजी की पूजा करने की सलाह दी जाती है।

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Welcome to Hanuman Garhi in Naimisharanya, where you can partake in the uplifting experience of live Aarti Darshan.

Step into the sacred abode of Hanuman Garhi, a revered temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Prepare to be enchanted by the divine aura and the spiritual ambiance that permeates the air.

The live Aarti Darshan at Hanuman Garhi is a deeply profound and transformative experience. Skilled priests, adorned in traditional attire, perform the Aarti ritual with utmost devotion, invoking the blessings of Lord Hanuman.

As the Aarti commences, the temple resonates with the soul-stirring chants and melodious hymns dedicated to Lord Hanuman. The atmosphere becomes charged with positive energy as the rhythmic beats of drums and the sound of bells fill the air, creating an aura of divine splendor.

Witness the spectacle of countless lamps illuminating the temple, casting a warm glow on the deity. Feel the collective devotion as devotees join in, their voices reverberating in harmonious prayers and bhajans, expressing their deep reverence for Lord Hanuman.

Participating in the live Aarti Darshan at Hanuman Garhi allows you to connect with the powerful presence of Lord Hanuman. It is an opportunity to offer your prayers, seek blessings, and experience a profound sense of peace, strength, and protection.

Allow the divine vibrations and the spiritual energy of Hanuman Garhi to uplift your spirit and infuse your life with positivity and inspiration. Embrace the transformative power of this sacred Aarti Darshan, leaving with a renewed sense of devotion and a deeper connection with Lord Hanuman.

Join us for the enchanting live Aarti Darshan at Hanuman Garhi in Naimisharanya, and immerse yourself in the divine grace and blessings of Lord Hanuman.

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